Qt creator windows
Qt creator windows

qt creator windows

This way bad options won’t be forwarded to Clang at all and your code highlighting will be ok. Add any option breaking your code model to the QTC_CLANG_CMD_OPTIONS_BLACKLIST environment variable.Replace forward slash ( /) with a dash ( -) when passing the option to the compiler: this way Clang will correctly interpret it as a compiler option and if it doesn’t know it it will just ignore that option. Qt is a multi-purpose library which your applications can use Qt Creator is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which lets you edit, manage, build, and test your projects.This is however not the case for the options mentioned above. Note that some compiler options are already being ignored by Qt Creator itself, and therefore you don’t see the issue if you use for instance /wdxxxx, which is a valid cl option but not a Clang one. These “files” won’t be found and clang will consequently fail to parse the codebase. The main reason why this is happening is that the option is passed to Clang to build the code model of the project being developed.Clang doesn’t support argument syntax starting with a forward slash ( /), and will interpret such options as file names instead.

qt creator windows

One example above all is the set of experimental options such as /experimental:external and its companion options /external:I and /external:W. This can happen if you’re using some options that aren’t currently handled by Qt Creator, but will be starting from Qt Creator 4.11. Sometimes, even if no spaces are around, code highlighting may still be broken on your project. if you check your target system for the theme search paths and set the theme name. If it can find it in the QIcon::themeSearchPaths () for the QIcon::themeName () If the desired icon isnt there, Qt Designer wont be able to do any of the from theme, named icons. However, Qt Creator’s Clang code model will break also in this case. QIcon::fromTheme works under specific conditions. Note also that, although the official documentation doesn’t explicitly state it, some compiler options such as /wd xxxx and /we xxxx work fine even with a space between the option name and the compiler warning code. So, for instance, if you are using /FI C:\force\included\file.h then you need to change it to /FIC:\force\included\file.h or even better /FI"C:\force\included\file.h" to avoid issues with paths containing spaces. The only solution for this as I’m writing this post is to remove such spaces from compiler arguments. However, these parameters aren’t always well processed by Qt Creator, specifically when using the MSVC compiler the rare examples where blanks are accepted work fine for GCC and Clang. This is the case for other compilers too, think about -isystem /path/to/include/dir in GCC or Clang. Some of Microsoft’s “cl” C++ compiler options have a syntax that allows for spaces between the option and its associated value, that is usually a directory or a file path.

Qt creator windows